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Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

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Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) is a common technique used in many analytical chemistry protocols, as well as applications requiring a high degree of precision and accuracy, such as food & drug safety, clinical diagnostics, and environmental sampling. Atomic absorption spectrometers may be used to analyze the concentration of over 70 different elements in a given sample solution, making them a very valuable instrument in any laboratory procedure that requires reliable measurements and reproducibility.

Atomic absorption spectroscopy relies on the Beer-Lambert law to determine the concentration of a particular analyte in a sample. The absorption spectrum and molar absorbance of the desired sample element are known, and each element will preferentially absorb light at a particular wavelength, due to each element having a defined and discrete quantity of energy required to promote its electrons into higher orbitals (excited state). During atomic absorption testing, a known amount of energy is passed through the atomized sample, and by then measuring the quantity of light remaining after absorption it is possible to determine the concentration of the element being measured. The technique behind atomic absorption spectroscopy instruments has a great impact in many different applications, ranging from one of the first instruments that a science student will work with, to an instrument that leading scientists around the world use every day.

Background correction techniques, such the built-in self-reversal (Smith-Hieftje) correction method and deuterium background correction adjust for molecular absorption overlap which would otherwise result in false atomic absorption spectroscopy rates.

Various industry sectors and applications that rely heavily on atomic absorption spectroscopy are drug research and design, metallurgy and mining industries, petroleum industries, health and medical services, forensic science, clinical diagnostics, food safety, agriculture, and environmental monitoring. With an ever-increasing number of uses for atomic absorption spectrometry,

We hope to help the progress and the development of all of these fields by providing a quality line of atomic absorption spectrometers that will ensure reliable analyte measurements as well as reproducibility.

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